IPS Engineering Srl.
VAT Registration n°: 06900670966
Fiscal Code n°: 06900670966
Cap. 10.000 EU
Milan Chamber of Commerce Registration n°: MI 1922477
Legalmail: ipsengineering@pec.it
VAT Registration n°: 06900670966
Fiscal Code n°: 06900670966
Cap. 10.000 EU
Milan Chamber of Commerce Registration n°: MI 1922477
Legalmail: ipsengineering@pec.it
Address: Via Tiziano, 32
20145 Milano (MI) - Italy
Telephone : +39 0381 451 883
E-mail : info@ips-engineering.it
20145 Milano (MI) - Italy
Telephone : +39 0381 451 883
E-mail : info@ips-engineering.it